Author: Claudio Rimann
Custom Block to list collections
With our Collection List Shortcode it was possible to display a list of collections anywhere on your site, which was mostly used to build a “Client Area” page for clients. This worked well and even allowed for some customizations like querying for client email addresses, post status (sent, approved etc.) or specific collections by ID…
picu E-commerce – Phase 1
About a month ago, we announced that we will be working on adding e-commerce functionalities to picu in some form or another, and created a quick survey to learn more about how our customers would actually want to use this in the real world. We got a lot of answers and some really great ideas…
Goals for our new website
As requested by Florian, let’s also share some of the progress we’re making on the marketing & design side of things, first and foremost towards our new website. The original site was launched 8+ years ago and only got some minor changes since, so by the end of last year I decided it’s time to…