Goals for our new website

As requested by Florian, let’s also share some of the progress we’re making on the marketing & design side of things, first and foremost towards our new website.

The original site was launched 8+ years ago and only got some minor changes since, so by the end of last year I decided it’s time to give it some love, scrap it altogether and start anew.

In this first post I want to share the overall goals I initially set for the redesign as well as some early screenshots:

  1. Modern, professional & friendly look:
    The old site feels more and more out of date and even a little unprofessional in some places.
  2. Make it easy and fun to edit content:
    Because the harder it is for us to write on it, the less we actually do. This should also make it a lot easier to experiment, add new landing pages fast or even do some A/B testing in the future (which would have been a total pain to do right now).
  3. Make it a little more personal:
    I just really like it if I see some personality on any website and it’s a huge turnoff for me, if I can’t see who’s behind a company.
  4. Conversion Tracking:
    I joked in a discussion at WordCamp Europe that it feels like we don’t even throw things at the wall and see what sticks, but even worse: we throw it behind our backs without even looking what sticks. While this is certainly a little exaggerated, it is definitely something we need to improve, and the new site is the perfect opportunity to finally get at it.

Of course, there lots of other things and smaller “sub-goals”, like adding more social proof, or making it performant or as accessible as possible, but those are basic principles or supporting the above goals.

Without further ado. Here’s some teaser screenshots, I’ll share some more on the thinking behind it all very soon.