Star Rating and Filtering

Until now filtering images in a collection was only possible between “selected” or “unselected”.

I wanted to make this more flexible and landed on star rating/filtering.

Star ratings are pretty common and universally understood, although the usual use case is rating products or movies. Still, the concept remains the same: More stars mean “better”. Also, photo management software like Adobe Lightroom have supported star ratings basically forever.

This will make the selection process much more flexible, especially when dealing with lots of images. For example, it will allow making multiple selection rounds, assigning one star in the first round, two in the next, etc., ending up with a final selection which can then actually be selected – and sent to the photographer.

Below you can see a video of the current implementation of star ratings for individual images and the filter:

Please note, that this is still in early stages, so the implementation will probably change for the final release.