Author: Florian

  • E-Commerce Status Update #2

    We shared our last status update back in December, which showed mostly what our e-commerce integration looks like from a client’s perspective. Today I want to share a little bit more about the backend side of things, what the photographer gets to interact with in the WordPress Admin. 1. Selling images can be activated per…

  • E-Commerce Status Update #1

    We announced our plans for an e-commerce integration for picu back in August, and today I’ll share some of our progress. On the frontend, the interface photographers’ clients see when ordering images through picu, we prioritize simplicity and ease of use and we continue to do so when selling images. The total price will be…

  • Black Friday Stuff

    It is already over – at least this time around – but I thought it might be interesting to show, how we handle our Black Friday sale in our store. (We use Easy Digital Downloads to handle Subscriptions and Licensing for picu Pro.) Turn It On, Turn It Off We use a regular EDD coupon for…

  • Star Rating Update

    A couple of weeks ago I shared a post showing the early stages of our star rating & filter implementation. This is a follow up post, showing the current and final implementation – at least for the upcoming picu Pro release. I think we made some great improvements: Stars can also be changed in the…

  • Guideline Violation 😱

    Not an email you want to get on a Saturday: Turns out, when we refactored our settings, we changed the “Show picu love” setting to “on” by default. The guidelines however state, that “Plugins may not embed external links or credits on the public site without explicitly asking the user’s permission“. Fortunately – thanks…

  • Star Rating and Filtering

    Until now filtering images in a collection was only possible between “selected” or “unselected”. I wanted to make this more flexible and landed on star rating/filtering. Star ratings are pretty common and universally understood, although the usual use case is rating products or movies. Still, the concept remains the same: More stars mean “better”. Also,…

  • Close a Collection From the Approval Email

    With picu 2.3.0 and picu Pro 1.4.0 collections do no longer close automatically. Before collections would close once the last client approved their selection. With the introduction of client (self) registration, this no longer made sense. We still wanted to make it easy for the photographer to close the collection once everyone is done. So…

  • Exclude Custom Post Type From Yoast

    picu collections are never meant to be public, that is why we remove them from XML sitemaps, have robots meta directives set to noindex, etc.. (Short excursion: For various reasons we cannot set our collection post type to ‘public’ => false, because they are public, as in they need to be displayed in the front…

  • Individual Image Comments Now Have a Date

    With picu Pro you can add markers and comments to individual images. We now also display the date, of when the comment was made. This is what it looks like in the frontend: Backend: This is only the very first step to enable a more interactive workflow. The goal is to allow a back and…

  • Selection Goal Alert

    With picu Pro you can set a selection goal, so either the exact, minimum, maximum or inside a specific range of the number of images your clients need to select. Until now, the goal was communicated in the email or the info panel, but there was no clear indication during the selection process. Only when…

  • Improving “+ Add Client”

    I worked on improving a particular function on the collection edit screen: Adding a client to an open collection. This is what the previous modal looked like: This is the new version: I updated this dialog with the following features: I also made the checkbox somewhat dynamic, by only allowing it to be checked, if…

  • E-Commerce Survey

    Yesterday we sent out a newsletter asking for feedback from our users about e-commerce integration into picu. Selling images directly through picu, as part of the proofing workflow, has been one of the most requested features and we feel like it is finally time to get to work on it. But we want to make…

  • Email required setting update

    We had another discussion about the email required setting, see my last update about this issue. We decided to simply describe what the setting does – as it should be. But we opted to also include a help link to our docs page, where we provide more information about the whole registration process. I think…

  • Email required or optional?

    With our last release we added a registration form, so that clients could identify themselves before making a selection. This enables the photographer to share the same link with multiple clients – or even allow the client to share the link with colleagues, etc. We also added a setting whether entering an email address was…

  • Pro banner

    We still use this static banner in a couple of places and from the feedback we got, we should definitely make it more concise and to the point. So… Previous: I updated the wording, and also made two versions, one with a light background color, so it might fit in better with our other, new…

  • Banners on the collection edit screen

    Continuing with improving the in-plugin banners, I am today looking at the ones we display on our collection edit screen. So far they look like this (red highlight added to make the position obvious): We randomly display different Pro features here: I quite like those, they are very unobtrusive and also kind of playful with…

  • How picu settings work

    I was asked by Marc about how our settings work. Well, his original question was if we use React, but since we don’t and since I have this new blog here, I thought I just might try to give a very basic overview of how we implemented it. Maybe this is helpful to someone. We…

  • Shimmer effect

    Not sure this will stay in, but I think this is a fun little effect, which adds a tiny eye-catcher to the Pro icon: It has more pause in between the effect in the actual implementation, than the gif above. Created entirely with CSS:

  • Today’s banner drafts

    And these are all the different settings banners, I came up with today. Final wording and images tbd, of course. General: Design: Email: Security:

  • Improving in-plugin banners

    Today I am working on our static, in-plugin banner, we are currently displaying at the side of the settings page. I am in the process of changing it to an inline, “context aware” banner, which will contain much more relevant (and helpful) information. Previously: New: The goal is to raise the awareness of how Pro…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to the picu Dev Log.